
CALIFORNIA DYSTOPIA UNFOLDS — Residents ORDERED to Stay within 120 Miles of their Home…



It has three main points:

1. Except in connection with essential travel, Californians should avoid travel to any part of the state more than 120 miles from their places of residence.

2. Non-essential travelers from other states or countries are strongly discouraged from entering California.

3. All persons arriving returning to California from other states or countries should self-quarantine for 10 days after arrival, except for those engaged in essential travel.

Full article: DEADLINE

Amid the national tumult on Wednesday, a newly-issued California Travel Advisory got little attention.

Set forth by the California Department of Public Health, the guidance seeks to restrict residents’ movements further. What’s more it includes the idea that, “non-essential travelers from other states or countries are strongly discouraged from entering California.

“Amid the current COVID-19 surge,” reads the text “it is imperative that California take steps necessary to curb the spread of COVID-19 and contain new sources of infection,”

The advisory is called a “recommendation,” and replaces the previous, less-stringent order issued in November.

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