
California’s lockdown just got extended indefinitely.

“ICU capacity is not improving,” state officials said today, meaning a return to on-site restaurant dining (among other things) is going to be a long ways off



Los Angeles County and the entire Southern California region will remain in lockdown mode for at least the next month, drawing out the current state-mandated public health order well into the new year — and almost certainly beyond. That’s per Dr. Mark Ghaly of California’s Health and Human Services Agency, who said today “ICU capacity is not improving in Southern California,” and is not projected to improve for at least the next few months. In order for LA and surrounding counties to move out of the current stay at home order, intensive care unit bed capacity (among other factors) would need to improve to at or above 15 percent, and remain there for some time.

There is no firm date for that to happen, Dr. Ghaly acknowledged today, as bed capacity fluctuates daily. The current stay at home public health order will remain in effect “for the time being,” he said.

While not surprising, the news is still a setback for millions of people across some of the most populous counties not only in California, but nationwide. The ongoing public health order mandates everything from the complete closure of any on-site restaurant dining (which has been closed since November 22); limited capacity at various retail facilities (both essential and non-essential); and beyond. Los Angeles County has also had an ongoing curfew that bans non-essential travel overnight, and recently enacted a mandatory 10-day quarantine for anyone returning from a trip outside of county lines.

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