
Capitalism vs Socialism and the 8 steps to Socialism.



Over the past years, many Americans have started to dislike the Capitalism system we have in America and have started leaning towards a more Socialist system. Capitalism is “an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.” To summarize this up in simpler terms, the business owner makes the decisions in price, production, and distribution of goods. All these factors depend on the competition that is occurring in the market.

Socialism is “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” Socialism has become very popular in modern America, mostly young people. Many young people have been brainwashed by their liberals and have been told Socialism is “Moral,” and everyone is equal or on the same playing field. Not to blow your bubble, young college kids, but this isn’t actually moral or fair. In a free country, wealth is obtained on the decisions you make. If you make good decisions and take the right risks, you will be rewarded. If you make the wrong decisions and take the wrong risk, then you will not be rewarded. Socialism, in simpler terms, is tyranny. Socialism is where is your labor is owed to the society or government. In countries such as Cuba and Valenzuela, millions of people have died and been enslaved; it has also failed. You don’t own anything within your business, such as time, product, labor, work. Here are the 8 steps to a Socialist state.

1). Healthcare- If you can control the healthcare, you can control the people. Many liberals feel as if they are entitled or that healthcare is a “human right.” Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that healthcare is a human right. Now I believe healthcare should be cheaper, but healthcare prices didn’t start to rise until the government started to get involved or came up with all these regulations. When Obamacare was implemented, millions of people lost their health insurance because of Obamacare. Millions of people’s premiums went up drastically because of Obamacare. Many employers had to lay off their employees because of Obamacare. Government complete control of healthcare is not good because it will cause many private insurance companies to go out of business and increase insurance prices. It will overall, just destroy the economy as well. The quality of it will probably not be the best, and the government will tell you how many times or what are the requirements you can see a doctor. It will also be costly and cause taxes in America to skyrocket.

2) Poverty- If you can increase the poverty rate as high as possible, you can easily control the poor, and they will not fight back because the government will be providing for them. They will become reliant on the government. Unemployment checks are a prime example of keeping people in poverty. Many Americans feel incentivized not to work or are comfortable where they are because the Government provides for them. Politicians will say, “vote for me, you won’t ever have to work, and I’ll make sure you get paid.” Now the money most these people receive from the government isn’t a whole lot. It’s enough to get by or barely get by. Many of these low-income communities have been under democratic control for many decades. These communities have high crime rates, high drug and gang rates, the schools aren’t the best, and there are little to no jobs. At Trump’s rally in Michigan in 2016, Donald Trump said, “Look how much the African American communities have suffered under Democratic control. To those, I say the following, What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump. What do you have to lose? I’ll repeat it you’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose.” Many liberals and SJW’S automatically wanted to attack Trump for what he said, but he said he is absolutely right. Democratic Politicians have promised opportunities and more for low-income communities, but they have never delivered. They only need you when it comes to their time to be re-elected.

2016 Trump rally in Dimondale Michigan.

3) Gun Control- If the government has the ability to remove ways citizens can protect themselves from tyranny, then the Government can create a police state. Many Politicians have been passing legislation to make it harder for the American people to receive a firearm. Some states such as California have limited the functions or accessories you can have on your gun. California has also banned certain weapons that look like “dangerous” assault weapons. They have even implemented a law on limiting the amount of ammo and the size magazine you have. Now, why would they be putting all these bans or restrictions? Their answer is always, “We don’t want firearms to get into the wrong hands.” Well, sorry to break it, y’all, but if someone wants to get a gun and aren’t supposed to have one, they will find a way to get a gun. Why punish and limit law-abiding citizens from exercising their 2nd amendment rights?

4) Debt- Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. The government can raise taxes, and the poverty level will rise. Student loans are an example of this. Most kids that attend 4-year universities graduate college being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. These students often find a hard time getting a job with their degree, so they go back or continue working their same minimum wage jobs. Over time, the interest complies on top of their debt, and their debt continues to rise, which they get trapped in their debt because as more people borrow money from the government and put themselves in debt, the government can and will raise taxes.

5) Welfare- Take control of every aspect of their lives, such as food, house, and income. Now Politicians such as Rep. AOC are big firm believers that government should be able to provide for the people’s wellbeing. She has gone as far as to promote universal health-care, universal income, and that everyone should have a home for free, “Another world is possible,” she said. “We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, ortenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and, we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home.” Again if the government did this, it would destroy the free market and cause taxes to go up, and the people will be stuck paying for it.

6) Education- Take control of what people read and listen to and control what children listen to in school. Over the past decade, children have been being taught only the dark history of America. They were taught that ‘white colonizers are the problem for everything,” “All white people are bad and racist,” “The Republican Party and Democratic party had this switch, and that modern-day Democratic party was the old Republican party.” As a kid, we are taught so many lies by our elementary and high school teachers, and then it carries on to college, and the indoctrination doesn’t stop and gets worst. By the time you graduate, you are a brainwashed liberal who hates American and all values we stand for. Now, these schools push these crazy theories and one sided theory because public schools receive federal funding. They receive federal funding and then are forced to teach what the government tells them to teach. The mainstream media and social media is another aspect controlled by the Democrats. They will push their liberal agenda, which is sided, and don’t provide the full story. This causes Americans only to hear one side and be misinformed unless they research to know the full story on their own.

7) Religion- Remove the belief of God from Government and schools. Over the past decade, we have seen politicians take the name of God out of our pledge allegiance. In the DNC 2020, during the Pledge, Democrats took out the word God.

If people really took the time and read the Bible, they would see what really influenced many founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of rights. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christan values, and founders strongly believed that all men are created equal, and we had certain unalienable rights are given to us by God. It is the Government’s job to protect them. Now, people will say, why doesn’t the Consitution say, “all men and women are created equal?” Well, if you read the bible, when God created life, Woman was a fragment of Man. Genesis 2:22-24, reads “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man” For this reason, a man will never leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” The founding fathers didn’t intentionally leave out women. They had the idea that men and women were one flesh. If the government can also take away religion, they can demoralize people since that’s where most people get their moral beliefs.

8) Class warfare- Divide the people into wealthy and poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor. How many times have we heard Bernie Sanders attack the 1%? Politicians are always saying how they will tax the wealthy super high because they don’t pay their “fair share.” Most of these wealthy people own business, and if you start taxing them a super rate, they aren’t going to be able to pay their employees, healthcare for employes, lawyers, accountants, production, facility rent, property tax, payroll tax, and many other things that go into running a business. If you fail to understand basic economics taxing, the rich will be super bad because it causes a trickle-down effect. Employers will lay off employees because it’s cheaper to build a robot to do the job cheaper, or they’ll do it themselves. It will also cause an increase in goods and services. The business owners may also leave and bring their business somewhere where it’s cheaper. The outcome of this will cause the middle class and lower class to pay the taxes since the business owners because, in reality, they do pay a lot in taxes. Percentage-wise it doesn’t look like a lot, but in real numbers, it’s a lot.

To citizens of America, you have two choices to make, do you want to live in a free country where you have private ownership of your business and property and can thrive economically? Or do you want to live in a country where the government enslaves you and the government controls all aspects of your life? You decide, America.

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