
CNN ‘New Normal’ — Immunity Passports Required to Travel in 2021

Immunity passports are here, despite Fauci and other “experts” saying it would never happen…



San Francisco (CNN Business) Now that coronavirus vaccines are starting to roll out in the US and abroad, many people may be dreaming of the day when they can travel, shop and go to the movies again. But in order to do those activities, you may eventually need something in addition to the vaccine: a vaccine passport application.

Several companies and technology groups have begun developing smartphone apps or systems for individuals to upload details of their Covid-19 tests and vaccinations, creating digital credentials that could be shown in order to enter concert venues, stadiums, movie theaters, offices, or even countries.

The Common Trust Network, an initiative by Geneva-based nonprofit The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum, has partnered with several airlines including Cathay Pacific, JetBlue, Lufthansa, Swiss Airlines, United Airlines and Virgin Atlantic, as well as hundreds of health systems across the United States and the government of Aruba.

The CommonPass app created by the group allows users to upload medical data such as a Covid-19 test result or, eventually, a proof of vaccination by a hospital or medical professional, generating a health certificate or pass in the form of a QR code that can be shown to authorities without revealing sensitive information. For travel, the app lists health pass requirements at the points of departure and arrival based on your itinerary.

Read the full article from CNN by clicking here (or clicking here for an archived version)…

So, it’s almost 2021, and to say the least 2020 was a crazy year.

I think it’s safe to say that we have all learned just how dangerous human liberty and freedom can be.

Liberty seemed so good before. It resulted in human movement, collaboration, and the coming together of the people. This used to be a beautiful and quintessential part of the human experience.

Thankfully however, our trusted scientific institutions have shed light on the real dangers this poses to our safety.

If people are together, moving about as they wish, and congregating as they please — then so are harmful viruses and invisible air-contagions.

This is a serious global problem that warrants a high level of chronic fear. But it is a problem that science was equipped to come together and solve!

We learned through careful research and study that if we stayed far away from each other, at least 6 feet at all times, that these viruses and invisible air-enemies couldn’t harm us.

Additionally, we learned that by covering your mouth and nose with a face mask you could protect yourself even further from the contaminated outside world.

This was our great awakening.

Because with this knowledge, the solution to our great invisible enemy was now apparent.

We needed to shut down the entire society and all it’s systems in order to reset it. The world which would emerge from this great reset would be a new, safer, and more separate world.

One in which the dangerous elements of our human existence are contained and managed on our behalf, protecting us from our own worst unforeseen potentialities.

Liberty in that way was a lesson we all learned together. It’s a great idea. A great IDEAL.

But much like other utopian socialistic visions of the way society could be, it looks good on paper, but doesn’t work in the real world.

Liberty simply isn’t safe.

Which brings us to Freedom.

Freedom of speech? Freedom to assemble and freedom of the press?

We learned that these are fundamentally outdated ideas which were written under candlelight with feathered pens by old white men who proclaimed that “All men are created equal,” while themselves owning slaves and owning a sense superiority to women.

This freedom that these hypocritical men proposed, is as one would imagine also unsuitable for the modern age.

For in our modern age, culturally speaking “God is dead,” as Frederick Nietzsche proclaimed.

Christianity itself was a snake that bit its own tale.

Religion generated science, but scientific revelation eventually bit into the core ideas of Christianity itself and metaphysics soon followed.

By destroying religion and metaphysics, science eliminated truth — which itself Nietzsche believed to be a metaphysical concept.

Paradoxically in doing this, science also began to undermine itself.

Because if science destroys metaphysics and therefore truth itself, then what real knowledge or truth is there left for science to ascertain?

There is none.

Truth in that sense is strictly subjective for each and every individual person.

Could you imagine if what each person felt to be true was allowed to actualize itself in reality?

Chaos would emerge.

It is thereby the role of our scientific and educational elite and the media which govern our institutions to define and mold or form the concept of what truth is in the minds of modern man.

Conflicting narratives of truth, too much truth, the wrong kinds of truth, any truth not constructed, managed, and presented by this elite and trusted body of individuals is itself dangerous.

We have already established that the liberty of human movement, collaboration, and the coming together of the people was an unsafe idea.

But also, we have learned that the the freedom of human thought, collaboration, and the coming together of the ideas is dangerous.

The effect of misinformation on our entrusted elites ability to protect our modeled and established concepts of truth is potent.

Misinformation must be quarantined, just as someone who has been exposed to an an air-contagion would be physically quarantined. When you stop the spread of an idea in that way, you eliminate the destructive domino effect it would have had.

By limiting someone’s exposure to these ‘thought-contagions’ —We free them to be more thoroughly absorbed in the messaging of our constructed system. Which is so elegantly designed to target and subvert the very drives that may lead someone down the rabbit hole of misinformation to begin with.

Eventually of course, it would make to incentivize proper behavior in society. Proper engagement in thought. This again being for our own good.

This we have all learned, and this we have all accepted in 2020.

So — For your own good in 2021:

Do you want to enter a movie theatre?

Maybe go back to the office at work?

Even go to a sporting event or board an airplane again?


Just provide proof that you are a safe, and sanitized individual in order to come in. Safe in the physical sense of your mRNA modifications with your QR verification barcode…

But also safe in the sense of your thought/behavior-contagions. Why would one who inhibits others comfortable engagement in our construction of a new a safe world, be allowed to engage in that new world at all?

It’s not unreasonable…

It’s the New Normal…

Flashback May 2020 CNN: Coronavirus ‘immunity passports’ are a terrible idea that could backfire, experts warn

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