
New Covid-19 vaccines come with a vaccination card and world tyranny is on the brink.



On Wednesday, the Department of Defense released images of the new Covid-19 vaccine with vaccination cards.

Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, said, The vaccination cards will be used because it is the “simplest” way to keep of Covid-19 shots.

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” Moore said. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”

State Immunization Registries will be receiving reports from vaccination clinics on what vaccine was given. This is so an entity could run a query if it didn’t know where a patient got the first dose.

Dr. Moore put out a statement saying, “Many places are planning to ask patients to provide a cell phone number voluntarily, so they can get a text message telling them when and where their next dose is scheduled to be administered.”

‘Every dose administered will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ” said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers.

In September 2019, President Trump said to the U.N. General Assembly, “The Future Does Not Belong To Globalists.” 

In October 2019, The Bill and Melinda Foundation and The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, hosted Event 201. Event 201 is “a high-level pandemic exercise.” “The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

On November 17, 2019, China reports its Coronavirus case.

After Event 201, in December 2019, Bill Gates put out this tweet…

Fast Forward to 2020, Many Governors are shutting down small businesses and labeling business as “essential and non-essential.” “Trump has presented the freezing of US funding to the WHO as a direct response to what he claims was its slow reaction in raising the alarm over the global threat from the coronavirus and being too “China-centric” in its response.”

After President Trump halted funding to the WHO, Bill Gates put out this tweet…

In Alex Jones and Joe Rogan Podcast, they watch what Bill Gates said what were the “side effects’ of a Covid-19 vaccine…

In a report done by Info wars, the Welsh Government said, “People will get I.D. Cards to prove they been vaccinated.”

A report done by Paul Joseph Watson, says, “Vaccine Minister Says Bars, Restaurants & Cinemas Will Demand Proof of Vaccination Before Entry.”

In the UK, a MP Suggested, “People Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Work Without COVID Vaccine.”

The UK is also developing QR Code System to only allow vaccinated people into events.

Government Advisers Suggest Giving Corona-Free Brits ‘Permission’ Wristbands.

With these all stories and crazy mandates that the U.K plans to enforce, they also seem to be most tyrannical as well. Other countries seem to be following the U.K too.

World wide, we have seen many people arrested for opening their business or going against Covid-19 lockdown orders. Governors and other world leaders should not have the right to label a business as “essential or essential.” Every business should be label as essential. These people have to provide for themselves, their families, or their workers.

The Globalist’s agenda is to put small businesses out of business, starve their people, and make them reliant on the government. It’s all apart of the Great reset. They want us enslaved while the big cooperation, big tech, and other leaders control us.

During the lockdown, major cooperations got richer while small-businesses stayed shut down.

Big Tech really stinks out to me, and it should stick out to you as well. Big Tech is in bed with the Globalist, Communist China, and corrupt Politicians in D.C. . It should be evident seeing the mass censorship that has been happening against the President and Conservatives on social media. James O’keefe, with project veritas, has exposed big tech. 

Is this evidence of globalism and mass censorship enough for you yet?

With allegations being made about Dominion voting systems and Smartmatic software switching votes from Trump to Biden. Here is Bill Gates with the CEO of Smartmatic.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation also tested a Polio Vaccine in India between 2000 and 2017. The vaccine ended up paralyzing 496,000 kids.

To summarize all this up, everything seems to trace back to Bill Gates, and the globalist.

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