
WHY Trump was America’s most admired in 2020

After 4 years of constant slander against him by the media, the American people finally see Donald John Trump for what he is: an honest, God-fearing patriot who gave up the comfort of a jet-setting life to save the United States from the forces of evil that want to transform us into a Soviet state.



By Don Surber —

Gallup announced today, “Americans are most likely to name President Donald Trump and Michelle Obama as most admired man and woman in 2020. Trump tied former President Barack Obama for the honor last year but edged out his predecessor this year. Trump’s first-place finish ends a 12-year run as most admired man for Obama, tied with Dwight Eisenhower for the most ever.”

The announcement also said, “This year marks the 10th time Trump has finished among the top 10 men, including four times before he entered party politics — 1988 through 1990 and 2011. Gates has finished in the top 10 a total of 21 times, while Obama has now done so 15 times and the Dalai Lama 11 times. Biden has been in the top 10 once before, in 2018.”

That is the news.

Now for the explanation.

We admire President Trump because of his honesty, integrity, and intelligence — the three things that the press denies because they know the strength that is within those qualities.

When he said Obama spied on him, the press howled. They called it a lie, even though the New York Times said on its front page on Inauguration Day that the Obama administration wire-tapped Donald Trump’s campaign.

He has integrity in that he has kept every campaign promise he made with the exception of those needing congressional approval.

He moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

He is building the wall.

He has cut regulations.

He rebuilt our military.

He appointed conservative judges.

He cut taxes.

He dropped unemployment to a 50-year low of 3.5%.

His intelligence is unquestioned.

No one defeats the Republican and Democrat parties as he has through sheer luck.

We also like his perseverance. He is the embodiment of the American dream. He made a fortune, went broke, and made another fortune. You do realize that Ford was Henry Ford’s third automobile company. The third time often is the charm. 

And you also realize that the electric light bulb almost put John D. Rockefeller out of business.

Kerosene, not gasoline, made the oil industry in the 19th century. Rockefeller used a waste product to run the internal combustion engines in his refineries.

We call it gasoline. The automobile saved his empire.

We admire Donald Trump because he is a cantankerous fighter not unlike another rich New Yorker who became president, Teddy Roosevelt.

Americans love a winner. This is President Trump’s victory lap.

Oh, the judges may allow Biden to steal the election. But we know who won. And we admire him for fighting for the people who voted for him.

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