



Many in the media are now calling the 2020 Presidential Election for Joe Biden. This is in light of Georgia’s and Pennsylvania’s updated vote count putting Joe Biden slightly ahead of trump in both states as of Friday 11/6/2020.

Georgia Election Results 2020

Pennsylvania Election Results 2020

In Pennsylvania, Trump predicted on twitter that the gap would close…

In Michigan, the GOP Chairwoman claims there was allegedly a pro-Biden glitch and miscount that caused the votes for Trump to be given to Biden…

In Georgia, Trump claims there are missing mail in ballots from the military, votes he needs to reclaim his edge.

If Trump did lose Georgia and Pennsylvania, even if Trump can steal back Arizona and Nevada, he would still lose the election.

So is this is done deal? Is Joe Biden President, or is there a path for Donald Trump to win it still? Where are things going from here?

Well, the media seems to have decided. They are calling it for Joe Biden.

In fact, according to the New York Times on Twitter, a tweet that was since been deleted, the role of determining who won the election goes to the media…

& sure enough, Vox was the first major (liberal) media outlet to declare Biden the winner, while many on social media echoed this claim…

Vox.com Calls the Election for Joe Biden

The front page of DRUDGE REPORT quoted Art of the Deal in it’s featured links section:

Top Links of drudgereport.com 11/6/2020

When you take a closer look at the excerpt you see it quotes Donald Trump:

Donald Trump in Art of the Deal, quoted on front page of Drudge Report 11/6/2020

Matt Drudge stopped supporting Donald Trump sometime in 2019, and seems to be relishing in the idea of a Trump defeat. Due to this change in tone surrounding Trump, the Drudge Report has declined around 40% in overall viewership.

Drudge seems to think his bet will pay off in the long run, as viewership is still significantly higher than his top competitors.

Visits to DrudgeReport.com 11/05/2020

Drudge does have some new competition with similar conservative aggregation sites coming to popularity since his descent from Trump….


  1. CitizenFreePress.com
  2. Notafy.com
  3. TheLibertyDaily.com

Trump Claims Fraud, Saying “I easily won if you count the legal votes.”

Is there any basis for this claim? Ultimately the courts will decide, but there does seem to be some very suspicious voting anomalies that indicate Biden’s camp may very well have been cheating.

At around 3:00am in Michigan a batch of votes came in giving Biden 138,000 votes and Donald Trump not a single one. Many point to this as evidence of Ballot Harvesting… Something the Democrats have a reputation of.

This image circulating on social media shows Joe Biden receiving 100% of a recent vote update.

Many have shared this video of GOP Poll Watchers having to use binoculars in Philadelphia…

Eventually Trump won a legal fight in Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court saying watchers must be allowed within 6 feet of Philly vote counting

Big tech is playing thier part in controlling the narrative on this. They are censoring posts from the President and others claiming to show proof of fraud in various states, one of which being the National Pulse…

What is Ballot Harvesting?

Watch these videos by PragerU to learn more about the devious practice.

In the end, it may just go to Supreme Court, at least at this point that seems like Donald Trump’s best path to victory. If he can present proof of widespread voter fraud, then he is a few important legal battles away from snatching back his re-election bid.

GOP Senators however seem to be backing away from Trump on the claim of Fraud.

What they’re saying:
  • Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie“We heard nothing today about any evidence. This kind of thing, all it does is inflame without informing. And we cannot permit inflammation without information.”
  • Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah): “The president … is wrong to say that the election was rigged, corrupt and stolen — doing so damages the cause of freedom here and around the world, weakens the institutions that lie at the foundation of the Republic, and recklessly inflames destructive and dangerous passions.”
  • Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.): “I saw the president’s speech last night and it was very hard to watch. The president’s allegations of large-scale fraud and theft of the election are just not substantiated. I’m not aware of any significant wrongdoing here.”
  • Former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.): “No Republican should be okay with the President’s statements just now. Unacceptable. Period.”
  • Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R): “There is no defense for the President’s comments tonight undermining our Democratic process. America is counting the votes, and we must respect the results as we always have before. No election or person is more important than our Democracy.”
  • Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas): “A sitting president undermining our political process & questioning the legality of the voices of countless Americans without evidence is not only dangerous & wrong, it undermines the very foundation this nation was built upon. Every American should have his or her vote counted.”
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.): “We want every vote counted, yes every legal vote (of course). But, if you have legit concerns about fraud present EVIDENCE and take it to court. STOP Spreading debunked misinformation… This is getting insane.”
  • Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.): “Like [Rep. Kinzinger], I took an oath to defend this country and fight for the democratic ideals it stands for. Count every vote, yes, but stop the Bravo Sierra, Mr. President, and respect the democratic process that makes America great.”
  • Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-Mich.): “Every legal vote should and will be counted — as they always are. Where there are issues there are ways to address them. If anyone has proof of wrongdoing, it should be presented and resolved. Anything less harms the integrity of our elections and is dangerous for our democracy.”
  • Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge (R): “With his remarks from the White House tonight, the President disrespected every single American who figured out a way to safely vote amid a pandemic that has taken 235,000 lives. Not to mention those who are dutifully counting that vote. Absolutely shameful. Yet so predictable.”
  • Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer: I haven’t seen any evidence of it. And again, I don’t think it helps his case … If he sees an instance in Pennsylvania or Nevada and this particular thing happened, then call it out. … But saying voter fraud … You can’t just throw a term out that without being specific.”
  • 19 former U.S. attorneys, all of whom served under Republican presidents, said in a statement: “We hereby call upon the president to patiently and respectfully allow the lawful vote-counting process to continue, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, and to avoid any further comments or other actions which can serve only to undermine our democracy.”
  • Of note: Many Republicans who have condemned Trump’s recent comments have been critics of the president in the past.

The big picture: Vice President Mike Pence, who did not appear with Trump at Thursday’s televised briefing, tweeted, “I Stand With President [Trump]. We must count every LEGAL vote.”

With the possibility of Donald Trump losing, and him seemingly predicting the method by which he would lose, does this tweet now have new meaning?

Trump 2024 tweet from 09/10/2019

Or can Trump navigate a victory in this game of 4D Chess? Time will only tell.

Let’s not forget the 2000 election when Al Gore was declared victor and challenged Bush for 37 days after the election until the Supreme Court stepped in and gave the election to Bush.

Electoral College in 2000 Showing Al Gore Won The Presidential Race, a Ruling the Supreme Court later overturned

NBC News called Florida for Al Gore in 2000

So could Trump do the same with Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and perhaps even Nevada? We will see… It certainly seems to have paid off that the courts are packed with Trump appointees who may feel the mail-in votes were improperly handled. If so, there may need to be a recount in those states, meaning this is far from over. But if you listen to the media, Biden won and it’s done. It’s as simple and straight forward as that…

Do you listen to the media? Do they “decide” the election. The electors have not cast their votes yet, so this is not set in stone by any means yet, and Donald Trump has no intention of backing down…

Updates with more coming soon…

Facebook Bans Stop the Steal Efforts by Pro Trump Groups

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