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Bizarre Coincidence: Did this book from 1896 see the future of Trump and 2020?

In the book, Bryan Trump is the last president because of a selected group of states who try to steal the election, and apparently succeed — but civil war breaks out when the oppressed citizens of the oligarchy rise up and fight back.



book written in 1896 titled The Last President by Ingersoll Lockwood.

Publisher New York, The American news company

“…The entire East Side of New York City is in a state of uproar. Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.” — From The Last President, 1896

1900, or The Last President, by INGERSOLL LOCKWOOD, is a surrealistic 1896 novel, where Americans are protesting a corrupt election process while the president’s hometown of New York City is fearing the collapse of the republic after the transition of presidential power. During 2017, this book, as well as Lockwood’s two children’s books, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger (1890) and Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey (1893), drew attention due to its uncanny connections with President Trump and his family.

Synopsis: a book about the last president named Bryan Trump – he’s the last president because of a selected group of states who try to steal the election, and apparently succeed — but civil war breaks out when the oppressed citizens of the oligarchy rise up and fight back.

Here’s the link to read the novel:

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