

Joe Biden, Big Tech, and Mass Media… 2020 has set the stage for a whole new world.



Business Insider recently reported in an article that a Biden Administration would be feared by big tech companies like Facebook and Google.

Bill Russo, from team Biden said that Facebook is ‘shredding the fabric of our democracy’ because they choose to allow posts from President Donald Trump labeled as misinformation by the media to be shared by users — whereas Twitter blocked the President’s tweets so users couldn’t retweet him at all.

Here is Russo’s Twitter Rant:


After some pressure on Thursday, Facebook finally limited the spread of Trump’s election posts, rather than just flagging them.

All of this is sending a very simple message to the American People…

Do you disagree with the DNC and Mainstream Media narrative? I’m sorry, but you are “shredding the fabric of our democracy… That’s unsafe, undemocratic, un-American!”

They tell us, “It’s the role of the media and big tech to protect us from that kind of misinformation, our very liberty is at stake!”

The media claims to be looking out for the people by holding big tech accountable and vetting our politicians to make sure they do the same. The media is supposed to have the interest of the people at it’s heart.

The problem is the media, big tech, and the DNC are all wings of the same establishment machine… the media works with politicians, big tech, and other special interests to control the narrative and maintain power/control...

According to the mainstream media, Joe Biden is Big Tech’s worst nightmare. He’s their kryptonite. They say this despite him having more tech executives than tech critics on his transition team. But that’s not what matters, what matters is the perception.

The MSM and big tech organizations are working side by side with the Democratic National Party (DNC) to create the narrative of Joe Biden “taking on big tech” and being on the side of the people.

Their message is that we can all rest easy and go back to not focusing on the White House because this will all be dealt with now by the professionals… by the competent adults this country has lacked for the last four years under the Trump Presidency.

This is a complete inversion of the truth. Big tech has consistently tried to use their influence to control the conversation, not protect our ability to have it.

They seek to be a ‘Ministry of Truth‘ of sorts, dictating what version of the ‘facts’ people are allowed to post and spread. All while telling us it’s for our own good.

The idea of Joe Biden ‘protecting our liberties and democracy’ or ‘taking on Big Tech’ by having social media platforms censor our speech and monitor our interactions makes no sense.

It should be the other way around. Tech companies with speech platforms should be protecting our rights and our privacy to say whatever we want about current events. Including and especially the election.

The act as if they have no bias… Did you hear the Mainstream Media challenge Joe Biden once throughout his entire campaign? On any issue?

From March until the last week of October, Joe Biden got off the hook with taking just several zoom calls a day from his Delaware basement and hitting the hay before 8:30 pm.

When and if he would make an appearance, it was brief, scripted, and no questions were allowed

Did the media ever question this? No, instead they covered for him – the New York times even insisted Biden shouldn’t have to debate Trump.

“Hey everybody, how are ya?” he asked the reporters.

“Time for a few questions?” a journalist asked.

“No, no,” Biden responded.

If Joe Biden cannot confidently address the people without a script, how is he supposed to negotiate with China, with Russia or Iran? Let alone navigate domestic issues like health care, immigration, and the economy.

The truth is he won’t be doing any of that. Joe Biden is a prop put up by the DNC. Designed by think tanks to be an easy pill to swallow for those who don’t like Trumps behavior on twitter, but are still skeptical about left-wing policies like the Green New Deal or Universal Healthcare (including for Illegal Immigrants).

Joe Biden is being sold as a safe, center of the road, blue collar candidate. But that is just the shell, the projection of what the media thinks we feel is safe.

Big tech is playing their part by censoring conservative media. This opens the door for the Media to gas light the American People into believing that Joe Biden legitimately beat Donald J. Trump.

“Biden won! That’s just the facts.” According to the New York Times, it’s the media’s sole right to declare who wins an election anyway. If you think anything else, you’re basically Alex Jones and going in a social media timeout, permanently.

This is the way things are going from now on, so you better just get used to it.

If you can tune out all that wacky right wing conspiracy talk about liberty and freedom then you have the chance to sit back and be part of history…

A President with the most votes ever cast!

The first female minority Vice President!

Coming in at the brink of our collapse into darkness to save our nation, our soul… our earth!

We are expected to believe the man whose rallies looked like this…

Managed to get more votes than Obama and Trump, even Bernie, whose rallies looked like this…

Obama Rally

Bernie Sanders Rally

Trump Rally

Trust your gut. Despite what the media is telling you, there is a statistical case against a Biden win…

Part 1 of 4: Turnout…

Part 2 of 4: Outperformance vs Obama…

Part 3 of 4: “Biden-only” ballots…

Part 4 of 4: Absence of Mail-In Ballot Vetting…

If you were to get your information from the Media though…

The front page banner headline in the Wednesday morning New York Times

…All is well. It’s over. Time to give it up.

Even Fox News has ditched Trump – something made apparent early on election night when they called Arizona despite other networks saying it was too close to call. The way they have distanced themselves makes it seem like a premeditated decision from the network. Maybe that’s why MSNBC topped Fox News on Saturday in the ratings, capping their highest-rated week ever

Either way, it’s time we stopped pretending that our politicians will save us from this. It is here. The days of true meaningful freedom of speech are ending, and the tech companies already have the model (which they helped design) to transition our society into.

This is where COVID-19 becomes essential to this story.

Come back next week for the second half of this report…



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